Email Marketing ROI Calculator

Monthly Website Revenue ($):


Customer Database Size:


Number of Emails Sent Per Month:


Based on these numbers, here is what you could expect for return on investment

  • Revenue from Automations $0
  • Revenue from Campaigns $0
  • Email Revenue (per month) $0
  • Estimated ROI

    (per month)


*The information calculated from the First Page Email Marketing Calculator is intended for use by you as a guide ONLY. The calculations produced by the First Page Email Marketing Calculator do not in any way represent guaranteed results, and the calculations have no legal effect on any contracts entered into by you (‘the Client’) with First Page. The figures and formulae used within the First Page Email Marketing Calculator may change at any time without notice. First Page accepts no responsibility for any losses arising from any use or reliance upon any calculations or conclusions reached by using the First Page Email Marketing Calculator.

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